Tutorial for Beginners - Atmel STK500 Development Kit

Kok Chen, W7AY [w7ay (at) arrl (dot) net]
Last updated: April 4, 2103


This tutorial will assume the following:

  1. You are using a current (version 2) Atmel STK500 Programmer/Starter Kit. If you are using an Arduino UNO, please go to the Arduino UNO page, and you are using the Arduino Micro or Arduino Leonardo, please go to the Arduino Micro page

  2. You have a spare ATmega168 micro-controller,

  3. You have a USB serial port adapter that is capable of operating at 115.2 kilobits/second transfer rate,

  4. You have followed each step described in the CrossPack page and have downloaded and installed the AVR gcc tool chain (including avrdude),

  5. The Macintosh has Apple's Developer package. If not, follow the Xcode instructions here.

  6. You have downloaded and installed AVR Tools.

Lesson 1 will show you how to upload and run firmware from a pre-compiled hex file to the ATmega168. Lesson 2 will show you how to modify an existing AVR program in Xcode.