MFSK16 Implementation in cocoaModem

The definitive definition of MFSK16 can be found here.

The block diagram for cocoaModem's MFSK16 demodulator is shown in Figure 1 below. This implementation allows the tuning to be off by as much as 50 Hz


Figure 1 - cocoaModem Demodulator/Decoder Block Diagram


The input signal enters the demodulator (-importArray: in the module MFSKReceiver.m) at a sampling rate of 11025 samples/second. A quadrature mixer is used to convert the signal to a low-passed analytic signal using a quadrature local oscillator (LO).

The LO frequency is offset 125 Hz away the position the user has clicked on the waterfall. This will approximately center the MFSK16 signal in the output of the mixer around DC.

If a lower sideband receiver is used, the spectrum of the analytic signal is inverted by negating the quadrature term of the local oscillator (i.e., the local oscillator "runs backwards" in time).


The output of the mixer goes through a pair of 200 Hz low pass filters and the low-passed signal is then resampled to a sampling rate of 500 samples per second.

This resampled low-pass signal is then buffered in a sliding window (-newBuffer:: in the module MFSKDemodulator.m).

At this sampling rate, each MFSK16 symbol is 32 samples long. If a 32-point FFT is performed, each FFT bin would be 15.625 Hz wide.

The reason 500 Hz and 32 point FFT is chosen (instead of 250 Hz/16 point FFT) is so that AFC can be performed by picking 16 out of the 32 bins rather than by adjusting the local oscillator frequency. The latter would have to account for the latency though the low pass FIR filter pipeline.


For synchronization and AFC, 32 samples at a time is pulled from the sliding window buffer and a 32-point FFT is performed to the 32 samples. After each transform, the window is advanced by four samples (the length of 1/8 of a symbol) and another 32 point FTT is performed, and so on.

For each transform, the bin with the largest power is extracted. These values are then formed into a time sequence.

This time sequence reaches a maximum when the 32 samples from the sliding window is perfectly time aligned to the symbol. The reason is that when the 32 data points are not aligned to the symbol clock, the energy of the tones will be spread between two bins and each bin will not have as much power as an FFT bin that is extracted from perfectly aligned data.

The time sequence is oversampled by a factor of 4 (remember that we had only performed one measurement per 4 samples from the sliding window) and then passed through a comb filter that is 11 symbol times wide. The comb is set to have a period that correspond to the symbol period. The output of the comb filter identifies which 32 samples from the sliding window is properly time aligned with the MFSK16 symbol.

This time aligned 32 temporal data (analytic signal) is now passed to the AFC stage.


When the AFC stage receives the 32 data points, it zero fills the array into a 512 point array and performs a 512 point FFT to it. This gives a frequency resolution of 1/8 of an MFSK16 frequency bin. The output of the 512-point FFT shows the sin(πx)/x profiles of each of the "original" bins.

The 512 point FFT output is now searched for a global peak. The peak identifies the true center of an MFSK16 bin. This offset is chosen to resample the 512 bins into 32 bins. The central 24 of these resampled bins are then passed to the next stage.

Bin Identification

The sixteen MFSK16 bins should be within these 24 bins.

24 bins are picked instead of 16 bins to allow for the user not clicking precisely on top of the base MFSK16 tone. This allows the original local oscillator frequency to be off by up to plus or minus 4 MFSK16 frequency bins.

Over a period of time, by accumulating a histogram of bins, we can identify the most likely 16 (contiguous) bins out of the 24 bins to be the MFSK16 vector. The power in these 16 bins are passed on to the decoder section of the modem.

Soft Encoder

Every 15.625 seconds, a new vector of 16 floating point numbers arrives at the soft encoder (-softEncode: in MFSKDemodulator.m). The soft encoder encodes the 16 frequency bins with a 4 bit index.

If it were a hard encoder and the input has good signal to noise ratio, the result would just be a 4-bit index of the largest of the 16 tones.

MFSK16 uses a 4-bit Gray code instead of a 4-bit radix weighted radix code ("regular binary" numbers), and the conversion to Gray code is done in this step in cocoaModem.

cocoaModem uses a soft decoder rather than a hard decoder, so that the 4 "bits" are actually four floating point numbers whose value lie between 0.0 and 1.0.

The 16 input bins are first converted into probabilities. The first step is to apply a power of 1.35 to each of the sixteen values. The factor of 1.35 is arrived empirically for best decoding within white Gaussian noise.

These sixteen adjusted values are then normalized so their sum come out to be 1.0. I.e., each bin is now equated with a probability that the original vector was in the corresponding bin.

The least significant result "bit" is them just the accumulated probabilities of the odd bins. The next significant "bit" is just the accumulated probabilities of bins whose index has the next to least significant bit turned on. E.g.,

Picture 1

In the above, mappedVector is the array of the sixteen floating point values that have been remapped by the Gray code and renormalized into probabilities (i.e., the sum of mappedVector values is 1.0).


MFSK16 calls for a 10-stage diagonal deinterleaver to be used to unscramble the input data. Each diagonal deinterleaver is a 4-by-4 array. However, as we show here, the ten diagonal deinterleaver stages is mathematically equivalent to a single linear deinterleaver that is 160 elements in length.

The four floating point numbers from the Soft Decoder are inserted into the deinterleaver each 1/15.625 seconds, and four floating point numbers are pulled from the interleaver.

The four output of the deinterleaver are grouped into two soft dibits (bit pairs) and handed one at a time over to the (soft) Viterbi decoder for the convolutional code.

Viterbi Decoder

On transmission, MFSK16 uses two 6th order convolutional codes to encode each bit into a dibit. The generator polynomials for the two code streams are

spg1 spand

The receiver's task is to determine the most likely bit that was transmitted for a dibit that the deinterleaver has handed to us.

cocoaModem uses the Viterbi algorithm to find the most likely bit that was transmitted from the dibits. The Euclidean distance between the soft dibit from the deinterleaver and the hard dibit from the convolutional code is used as the error estimate for the path metric of the a trellis state of the Viterbi decoder.

cocoaModem has a switch that allows the user to select between short latency (reduced error correction when the SNR is good), where we use the path metric from the first stage of the trellis and high latency (better error correction) where we use the path metric for the 45th stage of the trellis.

Varicode Decoder

The bits from the Viterbi decoder are accumulated as a bit string until a 001 pattern is seen, where upon the codeword (without the trailing 1) is finally sent to a table lookup that decodes the bit string into an ASCII character.