NetworkInterface Class Reference


The NetworkInterface object has the information (name, MAC address, IP address) of a network interface that the computer is connected to.


Creating a NetworkInterface object

- initWithInternetHost:hosts:

Network Interface Properties

- name

Network Interface Property Checks

- hasName:

- (
Boolean)hasIP ;
- (
Boolean)hasHardwareAddress ;
- (
Boolean)nameIs:(char*)iname ;

Instance Methods


The MAC address of the network interface that is associated with the receiver. Returns six octets that makes up the MAC address. The octets will be all zero if the network is not accessible externally.

- (unsigned char*)hardwareAddress

Return Value

Byte array that contains the six octets comprising the MAC address.


Check if a MAC address is associated with the network interface. This should return all interfaces that are capable of making UDP connections (including FireWire).

- (Boolean)hasHardwareAddress

Return Value

True if there is a MAC address for this network interface.


Check if a IP address is associated with the network interface. An active Ethernet port has an IP address. However, an Ethernet port (e.g., second Ethernet port on a Mac Pro) that is directly connected to a Metis device may not have an IP address assigned until the Metis device is powered on.

- (Boolean)hasIPAddress

Return Value

True if there is a IP address for this network interface.


Initializes NetworkInterface object with data from an internet host (ifaddrs) structure that is obtained from the getifaddrs system call. The head of the linked list from system call is sent in as the hosts argument.

The MAC address and IP address is obtained during initialization. Only Ethernet interfaces will have a non-zero address MAC address, and only Ethernet interfaces that are connected to some other devices will have an IP address. -hasHardwareAddress and -hasIP can be used to find if a MAC address or an IP address exists.

- (id)initWithInternetHost:(struct ifaddrs*)ifa hosts:(struct ifaddrs*)hosts


structure of a specific ifaddrs entry,

head of the linked list of ifaddrs structures.

Return Value

The initialized NetworkInterface object.


The IP address of the network interface that is associated with the receiver. Returns 0 (INADDR_ANY) if an IP address does not exist.

- (in_addr_t)ipAddress

Return Value

IP Address.


The name of the network interface for the receiver, e.g., "en0".

- (char*)name

Return Value

Name of the network interface.